Tropic Seafood currently participates in the “Global Food Safety Initiative” (GFSI) and has elected to comply with one of the most stringent “Food Safety Programs” in the world, “The British Retail Consortium” or “BRC” as it is commonly called.
After attaining a grade of “A” for three years in a row, Tropic Seafood, has raised the bar even further by attaining a grade of “AA” for the past four years (2015 and 2018). This is the highest score possible by the British Retail Consortium Food Safety Inspector Group.
Jon Chaiton, Director of Quality Assurance for Tropic Seafood states “Earning a grade of AA from the BRC was quite an accomplishment. Definitely a group effort. Real teamwork. Attaining this level of food safety is all about having your staff and facility practice strict food safety controls on a daily basis. Passing a BRC inspection and obtaining this rating is not something that can be accomplished by “sweeping dirt under the rug to hide it”. With BRC, there simply can be no dirt.”
Although the BRC follows the United States Food and Drug Administration’s (USFDA) Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Point (HACCP) program for food safety, it goes much further than this. Detailed handling and processing record keeping, traceability (both forward and back) for lobster suppliers, ingredients, freezing, packaging and facility maintenance are just the tip of the iceberg for the BRC inspectors.